Raumer Hang Fix M8 Bolt (SS)
M8 bolts are available in 6cm (2.3in), 7.8cm (3in) and 10cm (3.9in) lengths.
The 6cm bolt has one expanding collar for and the 7.8cm and 10cm bolts have 2 expanding collars. Each bolt comes with a flanged nut.
These bolts are for hard compact rock (limestone, marble, dolomite). For caving use only. Use our M10 or M12 bolts for rock climbing or mountaineering.
Tensile strength = 17 Kn
Shear strength = 18 Kn
Weight: 27 grams
Tensile strength = 20 Kn
Shear strength = 20 Kn
Weight: 33 grams
Tensile strength = 20 Kn
Shear strength = 20 Kn
Weight: 42 grams
Made in Italy by Raumer.